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001 Exemplar Study Iterations

Page history last edited by Wilma Clark 14 years, 1 month ago


In this section, an overview of the self-managed learning study, progressing through four iterations of the EoR Model and Design Framework is provided. This is an informal overview of one researcher's interactions with the EoR Model and Design Framework and, as such, includes researcher reflections on ways of interacting with the Model and Design Framework. These are provided as a point of reference for other researchers, designers and practitioners wishing to use the Model and Design Framework for the first time, for whom similar questions may arise.


Self-Managed Learning Study: Design Framework - Iterations


Iteration Other Info

Early stages of familiarisation with study - focus on tools, spaces, researcher and participant reflections (This iteration contains one part)


Iteration 1-1 - Preliminary Brainstorming



This iteration shows how a work-through for steps 1 and 2 of Phase 1 of the Design Framework (This iteration contains three parts)


Iteration 2-1 - Brainstorming

Iteration 2-2 - Identifying a Focus of Attention

Iteration 2-3 - Categorising Elements and generating a preliminary EoR Model



This iteration mainly looks at moving between steps 2 and 3 of the Design Framework (This iteration contains two parts)


Iteration 3-1 - Brainstorming

Iteration 3-2 - Identifying a Focus of Attention



This is the complete iteration of all phases of the study with some additional reflections on the particularities of the self-managed learning study, particularly with reference to Phase 3 (This iteration contains three parts and provides a run-through of all phases and steps in the Design Framework)


Part 1 - Phase 1, steps 1-3: Brainstorming, Focus of Attention and EoR Model

Part 1 - Phase 1 - Continued - Researcher reflections

Part 2 - Phase 1, steps 3-6: EoR Model, Filters, Resources and MAPs

Part 3 - Phase 3, steps 1-7: Scaffolding and Adjustment




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