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3.6 Within-Element
This is closely related to step 3.4 which looked at inter-element relations. Here, the focus switches from external connections to 'internal' ones. Here, 'internal' relates to the particular category element being examined, e.g. Knowledge, People and Tools, Environment. So, for example, when considering what kinds of scaffolds and/or adjustments may be required to optimise the learner's ZAA in this step, you might look at what kinds of interaction are available/needed between, for example, the learner and other people and any norms/conventions applicable to those interactions. Similarly, you might consider whether there needs to be any adjustment to temporal or spatial aspects of the learner's engagement with resources (e.g. if they are shared or used across multiple contexts, such as home/school)... are the necessary resources available in all places, etc. Adjustment in these instances might lead to the generation of a web-based solution and/or use of mobile technologies. In terms of access to Knowledge, scaffolds may be designed around interactions with people or, if people are not available, through technologies. Technologies might also be used to support/combine scaffolds alongside people, e.g. for peer collaborations. They key focus in all of this, in this step, however, is to focus on one category and its internal 'sets' of relations (actual or potential) at a time.
To read more on this step, see pp 134 of Re-designing Learning Contexts.
- this step focuses on relationships between elements within the same category (e.g. people and tools)
- these relationships can be managed for optimal interactions through adjustment of interpersonal relations, e.g. notions of authority, agency, legitimate action, etc. or of environment relations, e.g. time, spatial access, etc.
- relationships can also be scaffolded, e.g through specially designed technological interactions (web-based networks, on-screen visual displays and prompts with accompanying quantification of learner progress)
- a key aspect of this step is that the focus is on categories and relations within categories (so tool-to-tool, people-to-tool, space-to-time, etc.)
Links to Case Studies:
The following links will take you to a varied range of study examples showing how this step of the EoR Model and Design Framework have been applied in practice.
001. Self-Managed Learning
002. Language Learning (Immersive Language Study in France)
003. Language Learning (miLexicon: Designing Support for Personal & Collaborative Learning Environments)
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