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Inter Filter

Page history last edited by Wilma Clark 14 years, 1 month ago


[Framework Home] [Phase 1] [Phase 2] [Phase 3]

3.5 Inter-Filter


This step builds on step 4 of Phase 1. In that earlier Phase, consideration was given to ways in which available resources were filtered, i.e. what kinds of constraints and/or potentials might influence or impact upon the ways in which resources might be taken up and used by the learner. In this Phase, as with all seven steps in this stage, a focus on inter-filter relations is used to identify ways in which those filters identified earlier might need to be adjusted or ways in which appropriate scaffolds might be introduced to enable the learner to interact more effectively with available resources.


As can be seen in this and preceding steps, a constant focus of Phase 3 is on optimising the learner's context through appropriate adjustment and/or scaffolding. This step, for example, might involve adjustment to rules of access or behaviour in learner's interactions with technology and/or other resources (people, tools, environment). 


For more on this step, see p 134 of Re-designing Learning Contexts.




  • this step aims to highlight relations between filters
  • a particular focus in on interactions between elements
  • a typical example of inter-filter relationships may be those relating to the organisation or management of resources, e.g. through rules of time, space, use, etc.
  • such rules may require adjustment in order to optimise the learner's engagement with her context and to support the learner in meeting her learning need 


Links to Case Studies:


The following links will take you to a varied range of study examples showing how this step of the EoR Model and Design Framework have been applied in practice.


001. Self-Managed Learning

002. Language Learning (Immersive Language Study in France)

003. Language Learning (miLexicon: Designing Support for Personal & Collaborative Learning Environments)  

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