Learner MAP



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3.2 Learner-MAP


This step builds on the preceding one and focuses, in particular on the relationship between the learner and her MAP (more able partner). The MAP may, as previously suggested, be a person or a technology which assumes the role of a person.


Some examples of MAPs:





Learning Mentor as MAP  Technology as MAP 


For more on MAPs, see pp 40-41, 95, 123-4, 166-169 and 171 in Re-designing Learning Contexts.


The relationship between Learner and MAP is a key aspect of the EoR Model and Design Framework.  It is used to develop and support the progression from ZAA to ZPA and to facilitate negotiation of the ZPA through the provision and fading of scaffolds appropriate to the learner's designated learning need (see Phase 1, Step 2 and the identification of a Focus of Attention for more on this element).


A key goal of successful Learner-MAP relations is the identification and provision of suitably challenging activities which, in turn, are shaped and framed by an appropriate quality and quantity of assistance. Determination of what is appropriate, effective and sufficient is supported through the application of the EoR Design Framework to the learner's context.





Links to Case Studies:


The following links will take you to a varied range of study examples showing how this step of the EoR Model and Design Framework have been applied in practice.


001. Self-Managed Learning

002. Language Learning (Immersive Language Study in France)

003. Language Learning (miLexicon: Designing Support for Personal & Collaborative Learning Environments)