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Component Relationships

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2.2 Component Relationships


The identification of component relationships is a relatively straightforward activity. This relates to resource types which may be described as "sets" of things, e.g. an object plus its component parts. For example a computer, its keyboard and mouse - or, extended - plus webcam, microphone, speakers, graphics tablet, etc. In this example, for instance, the greater the range of peripherals, the greater the potential relationships/influences of the resource as a whole - both in terms of the relation of each of these things to the other and of all of them as a "set" to the learner and her context. In some instances, the lack of one element may not be detrimental, e.g. the lack of a graphics tablet might not be an issue so long as there is keyboard, and vice versa. Lack of a computer screen, however, could be problematical. Thus, in examining the relationships between components and between these and the learner's context, we can begin to identify a range of values in the filtering of resources. These 'values' serve to frame the interactional possibilities between the learner and her ZAA, e.g. in terms of access, functionality, utility, usability, etc.


Component relationships may relate to any of the category elements of the EoR Model and Design Framework - e.g. knowledge, people, tools, resources, environment. For example, in terms of spaces, a room is part of a building, it may be the only room in the building or it may be one of many - the quality of relation is thus determined by the nature of the room, its environment and its relation to other components within a given "set" of things.


What consideration and identification of component relationships brings to the learner's context is an opportunity to generate a more fine-grained understanding of the features of these components and their implications for the learner, relative to the designated learning need and identified ZAA. A key question in this step is not merely what are the relations between these things but also how do these things relate to one another and to what extent is that relation breakable/unbreakable?


For more on component relationships, see pp 93-95, pp 124-127, p138-143 and p163 of Re-designing Learning Contexts.




  • the aim of this step is to identify relationships and, in particular, interdependencies between resource elements
  • component relationships may be supplementary but independent (e.g. a graphics tablet as a peripheral) or integral and interdependent (e.g. a visual display plus its HCI interface)
  • identification of component relationships is focused on examining patterns of connectivity between "sets" of things
  • these "sets" of things may occur in any or all of the category elements of the EoR model
  • examination of component relationships supports a more fine-grained understanding of the potential influences of filters on resources in the learner's ZAA


Links to Case Studies:


The following links will take you to a varied range of study examples showing how this step of the EoR Model and Design Framework have been applied in practice.


001. Self-Managed Learning

002. Language Learning (Immersive Language Study in France)

003. Language Learning (miLexicon: Designing Support for Personal & Collaborative Learning Environments) 


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