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Phase 2

Page history last edited by Wilma Clark 14 years, 5 months ago


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Phase 2 - Relationships


The purpose of Phase 2 of the EoR Model and Design Framework is to identify the kinds of relationships that exist within and between the resources identified in Phase 1, to identify the extent to which these meet a learner's needs and how they might be optimised with respect to that learner. (Re-designing Learning Contexts, p118).


Relationships and Interactions between resources, filters and learner


The identification of relationships and interactions between learner, resources and filters is a key element in the EoR Design Framework. These elements (relationships and interactions) need to be optimised to support the learner's learning needs (whether through technology use or through other learning activity). The relationships are complex insofar as any and all resources are potentially related to each other and to the learner (Re-designing Learning Contexts, pp124-125).



Phase 2 involves the identification of four relationship types used to further categorise resources and filters in the learner's EoR:


2.1 Influences Relationships: positive or negative influences on learner access to available resources

2.2 Component Relationships: one element (resource/filter) is part of another (e.g. Subtraction is a part of Mathematics)

2.3 Typology Relationships: one element is a type of another (e.g. a kitchen is a type of room)

2.4 Social Relationships: e.g. between family members, friends or communities



Some further thoughts: 


2.1 Influences Relationships involve:


  • consideration of the relationships between resources, filters and learner's EoR
  • consideration of the ways in which these relationships impact on the learner's ability to access available resources
  • visualisation of ways in which these relationships may be mapped onto the learner's EoR Model (e.g. Re-designing Learning Contexts, p126, Figure 7.2)


2.2 Component Relationships involve:


  • identification of the elements in resources comprising subsets of things, e.g. the different components of a Tablet PC (battery, pen, keyboard, screen)
  • consideration of the ways in which such resources may impact on the learner's ability to benefit from use of these resources to support learning (e.g. rules of access, functionality, usability, etc.)


2.3 Typology Relationships involve:


  • identification of "types" of resource (e.g. a kitchen is a type of room, bedtime is a type of rule)
  • generating an understanding of the implications of these "types", e.g. a kitchen may be useful for some forms of activity but not others because of its physical layout; a rule about bedtime may restrict learner access to available resources, e.g. a computer or laptop but at the same time may support the learner's learning by ensuring adequate rest is achieved


2.4 Social Relationships involve:


  • understanding that different social relationships may invoke/filter particular kinds of relation (agentive/authoritative, formal/informal)
  • recognising that different kinds of social relationships can offer a broader understanding of resources in context
  • both co-present and influence-at-a-distance, e.g. peers, teachers, parents or passers-by, visitors, or, in the case of technologies, fixed, ubiquitous, mobile or wireless resources.


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