
Iterate Phase 1

Page history last edited by Wilma Clark 14 years, 4 months ago


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1.7 Iterations


In this final step of Phase 1, the aim is to have made a progression from the initial brainstorming of the learner's context, through identification of a specific learning need (focus of attention) and the available resources and forms of support which can be used to assist the learner in meeting that learning need. It is likely that in the process of stepping through the preceding stages, a number of alternative potential forms of available resource, support and filters/influences will have been identified. The aim at this point is to indentify which of these are useful and would bear further investigation. It may be that you make a list of possible scenarios to follow-up. These scenarios will be the seeds for further iterations of Phase 1. In the meantime, you will most likely focus on the most useful set of resources and forms of assistance for the current learning need and proceed onwards to Phase 2 to further develop this element of the learner's context and the further development of the EoR model and design for that context/learning need.


The key thing is to understand that the aim of Phase 1 is to begin with as broad a view of possible of the learner's context and, by the time this step is reached, to have a wider, contextual, understanding of that context and ways in which it may be advanced or adjusted. Adjustment in response to the specificed learning need (at step 1.2) may involve one or many iterations - depending on how finely adjusted the learning need is to begin with. Where little is known about the learner or her context, more iterations are likely to be required.


The iterative nature of Phase 1 may involve iteration through all steps or, from time to time, a cyclical iteration through 2 or more steps, e.g. 1.1 and 1.2 or 1.2-1.4 and so on).


For more on this step, see pp 124 and 136 of Re-Designing Learning Contexts.




  • the aim of this step is to reduce, refine and clarify relevant aspects of the learner's context
  • what is relevant to a design iteration is linked to the specified learning need or focus of attention identified at step 1.2
  • multiple iterations may be needed
  • iterations may pass through all steps of this phase, or only some, as needed
  • the cycle of iterations is likely to be greater at the brainstorming and focus of attention stages than elsewhere
  • identification of resources, influences and filters at steps 1.4 and 1.5 may also represent a 'paired' set of iterations 
  • identification of multiple MAPs at step 1.6 may also require several iterations 
  • the idea is not to feel constrained by the steps but to iterate through these as much as you feel necessary in order to achieve an optimal awareness of the learner's context, available resources and forms of assistance 


Links to Case Studies:


The following links will take you to a varied range of study examples showing how this step of the EoR Model and Design Framework have been applied in practice.


001. Self-Managed Learning

002. Language Learning (Immersive Language Study in France)

003. Language Learning (miLexicon: Designing Support for Personal & Collaborative Learning Environments) 


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