Identify Learner Resources


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1.5 Identify Learner Resources


In previous steps, we have focused primarily on the learner's situation and an external view of the learner's context. In this stage of Phase 1 of the EoR Model and Design Framework you will turn your attention more specifically to the learner. The aim of this step is to ascertain what kinds of resource the learner herself brings to the learner's context. These resource may usefully be described as being 'internal' to the learner and relate to such things as existing knowledge, skills and understanding, motivation, emotional response, etc. They may also relate to the learner's physical attributes, e.g. motor skills, visual acuity, etc. They may also relate to cultural aspects, e.g. language as 'mother tongue' and so on. Reflection on these resources is similar to that instigated in the previous step (1.4) and the outcome should be an enhanced understanding and/or awareness of potential filters and influences on these 'internal' resources.


This step may be linked to the Vygotskian concept of internalization. This is the process whereby the interpsychological (social) becomes intrapsychological (individual). Internalization in the EoR relates to the learner's cognitive mediation of her learning context (i.e. the internal unification of internal and external resources).


For more on these steps, see pp 12-14 and p 165 (internalization) and p 122 (learner resources) of Re-Designing Learning Contexts.






Links to Case Studies:


The following links will take you to a varied range of study examples showing how this step of the EoR Model and Design Framework have been applied in practice.


001. Self-Managed Learning

002. Language Learning (Immersive Language Study in France)

003. Language Learning (miLexicon: Designing Support for Personal & Collaborative Learning Environments)