
Identify Filters

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1.4 Identify potential filters 


This stage of Phase 1 of the EoR Model and Design Framework allows you to build on the work of steps 1 to 3. The aim of this step is to identify patterns of connectivity and relation between available resources. In the process, you will also aim to understand the nature and quality of these relations and the ways in which they filter or influence the learner's ability to access, use or otherwise benefit from their availability. The aim of this step is to gain an enhanced understanding of the learner's context and the potential ways in which it may be negotiated by the learner, either independently, or with additional support. There is no attempt at this stage to identify particular types of support (this comes later, in Phase 3, which looks specifically at notions of scaffolding and adjustment).


For more on this step, see pp 94-95, p 121 and p130 of Re-Designing Learning Contexts.




  • the aim of this step is to reflect on the available forms of assistance in the learner's context
  • the outcome of this reflective activity is the identification of types of filter (positive, negative, influencing)
  • the identification of these filtering aspects within the learner's context is designed to enhance your understanding of the learner's context as a dynamic learning situation
  • identification of potential filters is a precursor to the subsequent design of scaffolds and/or adjustments which aim to support the learner meet their designated learning need
  • filters may also be resources, e.g. time, limitations (e.g. of scope, type of resource, focus)
  • the kinds of filter identified at this stage are external to the learner, i.e. material rather than cognitive



Links to Case Studies:


The following links will take you to a varied range of study examples showing how this step of the EoR Model and Design Framework have been applied in practice.


001. Self-Managed Learning

002. Language Learning (Immersive Language Study in France)

003. Language Learning (miLexicon: Designing Support for Personal & Collaborative Learning Environments) 


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