
Categorise Resource Elements

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1.3 Categorise Resource Elements


At this stage of Phase 1 of the EoR Model and Design Framework you should already have a refined set of available forms of assistance (derived from the initial Learner's ZAA identified in step 1) and can now begin to organise these available forms of assistance into kinds of resource according to the category elements of the EoR Model: Knowledge, Environment and Resources (e.g. people and tools). The aim of this phase is to generate a model of the learner's context, i.e. to generate a preliminary visualisation of the ecology of resources around a particular learner and her learning need. Categorising the elements allows you to begin to think about the potential role of, and relations between, available resources as well as to consider how they may be used to meet the learner's specified (in step 1.2) learning need. 


For more on this step, see p120-121 and p136-7 of Re-Designing Learning Contexts.




  • the aim of this step is to begin to organise/categorise available forms of assistance, i.e. to identify the learner's context
  • this context is framed by notions of knowledge, environment, people, tools - and their roles and relations relative to the learner
  • the model is learner-centric
  • this activity involves the generation of a pictorial model of the learner's context
  • this model may become progressively more defined/refined as you progress through the Design Framework
  • the learner may be a specific learner or a generic one



Ways of thinking about the EoR Model:


 A basic level context model depicting learner and MAP (more able partner) and development of Vygotsky's ZPD to the EoR elements of ZPA (zone of proximal adjustment) and ZAA (zone of available assistance)  A similar model, this time depicting learner and MAP in relation to ZPD and ZPA. In this model, the face motif helps to remind us we are dealing with people. The role of the MAP may, of course, also be taken up by some form of technology 'standing-in' for human support.
This early model of the EoR shows how, in a formal learning setting, the category elements of the EoR Design Framework (Knowledge, Environment and Resources) may be understood as being filtered, e.g. by curriculum, organisation and administration.

This EoR Model shows how the EoR model can be adapted and refined according to a particular Focus of Attention (see step 1.2). Here, for example, the Focus is on a learner's ZAA for a homework activity based on a numeracy problem.

The grey areas in this EoR model are used to remind you that the categorisation of elements in the learner's ZAA in step 1.3 of Phase 1 is a refinement/framing of these elements relative to the specified Focus of Attention - the grey areas are other potential elements not foregrounded in this 'selective' process - i.e. the wider social and cultural contexts. 






These five examples are provided merely to help you think about how the EoR model works or can be used. It is a visualisation activity which aims to support progression from the general to the specific. It is used to evolve the learner's context through the application of the Design Framework and is intended to act as a 'snapshot' model of that context at a particular moment in time, or relative to a particular learning need.  



Links to Case Studies:


The following links will take you to a varied range of study examples showing how this step of the EoR Model and Design Framework have been applied in practice.


001. Self-Managed Learning

002. Language Learning (Immersive Language Study in France)

003. Language Learning (miLexicon: Designing Support for Personal & Collaborative Learning Environments) 


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