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Phase 1
The purpose of Phase 1 of the EoR Model and Design Framework is the creation of an Ecology of Resources (EoR) Model which identifies potential Forms of Assistance which may act as resources to support the learner's learning activity (Re-designing Learning Contexts, p118).
Forms of Assistance
Forms of Assistance is a term used in the EoR Model and Design Framework to indicate those resources which might act as potential support for learner's learning. Designers and Practitioners using the EoR Model and Framework need to be able to identify these potential resources and the way in which they fit within the learner's context. In addition, the relations and interactions between resources need to be explored as use of the EoR Model and Framework requires a detailed knowledge and understanding of learners' environments and the people, tools and subject matter (knowledge) learners are likely to interact with (Re-designing Learning Contexts, p111).
The identification of these Forms of Assistance enables the learner's ZAA to be identified and, through that, the subsequent identification of potential MAPs (More Able Partners). Thereafter the kinds of relation between learner, resource and assistance can be framed through the notion of filtering of the learner's EoR environment (Re-designing Learning Contexts, p115).
Forms of Assistance are categorised as being to do with Knowledge and Skills, Tools and People, and the Environment with which the learner is associated or in which the learner is actualising her learning. (Re-designing Learning Contexts, p159).
Phase 1 of the EoR Design Framework and Model comprises seven steps (Re-designing Learning Contexts, p118-124). These are briefly outlined and summarised below.
The seven steps of Phase 1:
1.1 Brainstorm the potential resources in an Ecology of Resources
1.2 Specifying the Focus of Attention
1.3 Categorize the Resource Elements
1.4 Identify Potential Resource Filters
1.5 Identify the Learner's Resources
1.6 Identify Potential More Able Partners (MAPs)
1.7 Iterate through Steps 1.1 to 1.6 as necessary
Element 1.1 (Brainstorming) is the broadest and least focused element in Phase 1.
Elements 1.2 to 1.6 are all linked/related and are designed to narrow down the initial focus.
Element 1.2 will often require several iterations before a suitable Focus of Attention can be achieved.
Element 1.7 may require few or many iterations, and iterative activity need not be sequential, it may be that only some of the steps are repeated in subsequent iterations.
Some further thoughts:
1.1 Brainstorming is about:
- setting the scene
- developing a familiarisation with the research setting
- the open nature of the enquiry
- an iterative process of data generation
- the identification of emergent themes and examples - grounded in data generated in collaboration with participants (beneficiaries)
1.2 Specifying the Focus of Attention is about:
- deciding which resources should be focused on and why (Re-designing Learning Contexts, p118)
- involving and engaging participants (beneficiaries)
- prioritising a particular focus or design iteration
- narrowing the focus from an initially broad range of potentially available resources (and is never, therefore, the starting point)
- understanding that there may, ultimately, be multiple Foci of Attention (requiring subsequent iterations of the EoR Design Framework and Model)
- recognising that it may take several iterations to identify and clarify a suitable Focus of Attention (Re-designing Learning Contexts, p135)
1.3 Categorising Resource Elements is about:
- categorising the preliminary set of resources identified in step 1.1 (brainstorming) according to the three resource "types"
- the three resource "types", these are: (1) Knowledge and Skills (2) People and Tools and (3) Environment (Re-designing Learning Contexts, p120)
- generating a preliminary EoR Model of the learner's learning situation
- generating a working model to enable the elaboration of steps 1.4-1.6 (Re-designing Learning Contexts, p136 and pp159-162)
1.4 Identifying Filters is about:
- identifying and understanding elements that can influence the availability of potential resources (Re-designing Learning Contexts, p121)
- recognising relationships between resources and filters exposed in applying the resource categories in step 1.3 above
- understanding how learner resources are negotiated (Re-designing Learning Contexts, p94-95)
- realising that influences can be positive as well as negative, e.g. restricted access may be limiting (preventing desirable access) or beneficial (preventing the learner becoming overwhelmed by information flow)
- understanding that some resources may also be filters (e.g. 'time')
- anticipating later activity in the application of the EoR Design Framework and Model relating to scaffolding and adjustment (Re-designing Learning Contexts, p130)
1.5 Identifying Learner Resources is about:
- understanding that there are resources that learners themselves bring to their learning situation
- identifying resources that may influence the learner's interactions with the world
- internalisation of the learner's interaction with the world (Re-designing Learning Contexts, p122)
- resources evoked in the learner's existing knowledge and skill repertoire (e.g. existing attainment levels in Maths), their physical attributes and past experiences
- other resources such as linguistic competence, confidence, metacognitive awareness, motivation, emotional situation, etc.
1.6 Identifying MAPs (More Able Partners) is about:
- identifying available resources and the extent to which these may support the learner (Re-designing Learning Contexts, p123)
- understanding that these resources may take multiple forms (existing knowledge, skills, people, tools, environment)
- recognising that the role of the MAP is fundamental to the EoR Design Framework (Re-designing Learning Contexts, p27)
- understanding that MAPs identify/introduce potential types of assistance to the learner (Re-designing Learning Contexts, p53)
- facilitating the construction of the learner's ZPA (Re-designing Learning Contexts, p115)
- recognising that multiple MAPs may provide different types of assistance (Re-designing Learning Contexts, p107)
1.7 Iterations is about:
- reviewing and refining the Focus of Attention to obtain an optimal set of Forms of Assistance
- recognising that the number of iterations depends on the nature of the design process and whether much or little is known about the setting in the early stages
- recognising that at least in the first iteration as broad a view as possible of the learner's EoR is sought
- understanding that some steps (e.g. 1.1 and 1.2) may require more iterations than later steps
- understanding that the iterative process is designed to make resources, filters and learner interactions more explicit (this often occurs over time)
- recognising that the process may involve not only many iterations but many cycles of iterations (Re-designing Learning Contexts, p136)
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