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001 3-3 MAP-MAP

Page history last edited by Wilma Clark 14 years, 2 months ago


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Note: In these examples, I have taken a very literal approach to the notion of the MAP as a resource which scaffolds the learner's cognitive awareness through the use of prompts (e.g. colour coding through card game and/or questions through human interaction). Clearly, the role of the MAP can be much more complex, particularly where this involves the design of learner models and/or related software.


In the previous step, I pointed to learner's participatory design of a technology card game and the potential role of different kinds of MAP to support/scaffold the learner's learning needs. As suggested in earlier phases (e.g. Phase 1) however, there may be a multiplicity of available MAPs within the learner's ZAA. In this study, for example, within the card game itself, there were multiple MAP-type relations between the various components, for example, the colour coding strips on the technology cards acted as MAPs - scaffolding ways in which learners thought about kinds of uses of the technologies depicted. Related to these technology cards were others - the activity cards, which used identical colour coding to frame possible types of use, e.g. using the depicted technologies to store, present and get information, to send messages, etc. As mentioned in the previous step - additional MAP activity might come via human interaction, e.g. with peers or learning mentor or design team during or after game play. Alternatively, learner access to actual technologies, e.g. their mobile phones might place these technologies into the role of MAP as learner's consider the range and variety of uses to which these might be put. Thus, the combination of cards, technologies and people serves to enhance the learner's understanding, awareness and interactions with her learning context.



Reflecting on relations between MAPs


In the above example, there is a relation of coherence between multiple MAPs within the game (technology cards, activity cards, chance cards and the availability to learner's of an activity pad with which to note down ideas drawn from game play). In the following image, we see how peers (co-learners) may also take up the role of MAP. For example, sharing ideas about available resources and, in this instance, their meanings. 



Coded data showing interactions and notes between two learners in which one adopts role of learner (in play) and other observes and contributes to play as MAP


Whilst in this example, the card game, play and social interactions of Learner-MAP and MAP-MAP focus on the nature of technologies and their uses rather than the use of technology per se - there is potential within (and beyond) this model to use what has been learned to develop a scaffolded technology design wherein the role adopted by the human MAP in the game is taken up by the technology itself. The following extract of a dialogue around the design of the card game between a group of learners and their mentor shows how Mentor and Learners move between the role of Learner and MAP and vice versa.




Do you know Top Trumps? 

Card Game 

Strategy, Challenge 


… where you get scores … so say you wanted a camera… you’d get more for a camera than a mobile phone if you’re looking for quality


Making connections

Learner 1

You could get a really good mobile phone



Learner 2

The digital camera versus the mobile phone



Learner 1

You could get a 5 megapixel camera


Quality, Specification

Learner 3

You could get an 8 megapixel one


Quality, Specification, Comparing

Learner 4

They go all blurry and they don’t print out well




Participants begin to extrapolate their ideas about technology in abstract ways


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