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001 3-2 Learner-MAP

Page history last edited by Wilma Clark 14 years, 1 month ago


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3.2 Learner-MAP


In this study, the Focus of Attention related to ways in which learners might make use of already available technologies across different learning contexts. As such, there was no specific design motivation at this stage as there might be in other studies, see for example the Cachet, Riddles or Homework projects in Re-designing Learning Contexts (Chapters 4 and 5). Nevertheless, there were some instances and examples within this study where the potential role of humans and or technologies to act as MAPs for the learner were evidenced. Whilst no specific scaffolds or adjustments were made in the Planetarium trip (although the potential for them was noted), some were made in relation to the participatory development of a card game which was co-designed with learners. For example, the integration of colour coding as a means of scaffolding the learner's recognition of different kinds of relation between available technologies and the contexts/situations within which they might be used.


Colour coding on technology cards - co-designed with learners 


Cross-matching activity cards with technology cards using colour coding 


Here, learners contributed via the participatory design process to the development of colour coding as a feature within the MAP tools represented by technology and activity cards. Together these scaffolded learner's developing awareness of technologies and their uses in different context and for different purposes. For example, if a learner received in their dealt hand a technology card for an mp3 player, the colour coding would act as a MAP prompting the learner to consider notions of storing, getting and presenting information using this technology device. In this sense the available tool (the card game) takes the role of the human MAP (at the same time the human MAP may bring additional scaffolding to the situation using these initial scaffolds to take the learner beyond her immediate level of knowledge/experience). What we can see in all of this, then, is a potential transfer of the role of both card game and human MAP to a fully technological solution (as a piece of software) which the learner can potentially access across multiple learning contexts, e.g. via a mobile or handheld device.

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